Modern Drama Collaborative Project
Assignment:Choose one of three plays to read: A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, or The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. You will be grouped with others who choose to read the same play so you can discuss that play, help each other understand it, and write a collaborative analysis.
- Critically read and analyze drama more independently
- Consider the ways a modern play fits or even changes the definition of tragedy that Aristotle laid out
- Collaborate with peers to write a lit analysis using critical lenses more independently
- Choose the play you’d like to read. Turn in your choice to me.
- Read the play critically, taking notes in your journal and writing a one (or two)-pager as soon as you finish, addressing what you think the theme is, the details that you noticed as support for that, and your initial thoughts on whether or not it is a tragedy. Submit these to Turnitin by Monday at 8 am!
- Use Monday in class to discuss the play with your group members; use the questions in the textbook to get you started. Use this discussion to clarify your interpretation of the play, the important details that support that theme, and your ideas on how this play is or is not a tragedy. Keep in mind minimum aspects a tragedy must include: 1. Tragic hero is portrayed as better than man and falls due to a tragic flaw (not a vice) which evokes pity and fear in the audience AND 2. Includes important plot pieces: reversal, recognition, and scene of suffering.
- As a group, complete research of the biographical and historical context of the play. Do NOT read criticism. This analysis should be what your group can accomplish as intelligent critical readers working together. Turn in a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of the bio/historical info AND a reflection (1-2 paragraphs) of the group’s thoughts on how that information affects the group’s interpretation.
- Complete a works cited page that includes all sources (minimum of 3--the play itself and at least two bio/historical sources). Note: If you plan to use the psychological, Marxist, or historical lenses, you might also use outside sources to help you make your point about the setting of the play or psychological issues. These sources should be included on your works cited as well and can be one of your three.
- Work together to write a collaborative literary analysis of the play that has TWO parts: Your essay should analyze some aspect of the play that illustrates your group’s interpretation of theme AND should also analyze whether the play is a tragedy or not.
Thursday: Intro and choose play
Friday: Organize groups; time to read play
Monday: Submit one (or two)-pagers by 8 am; use class for group discussion time
Tuesday--Thursday: Lab time (3rd in MC, 7th in Lab 111)
Wednesday, Feb. 20: Final draft due by midnight
- Google Docs--You must use it to write the paper. A document should be created and shared with all members of the group PLUS ME. Each member of the group should choose a readable color to write in. Regardless of how other responsibilities are split up, each member of the group must do some part of the writing of the actual essay!
- Works Cited--Remember that it should be on its own page at the end of the paper
- Responsibility Designation--Include a page after the works cited that breaks down who did what. Be sure to include ALL responsibilities including various research, research write-up, sections of the paper to write, editing, works cited, etc. Keep in mind that the responsibilities must be shared and no individuals should have far more or less to do than others. Also provide a color key for the paper on this page.
- Research Summary and Reflection--After the responsibility designation page, also include your write-up in the document. Again, whoever wrote it should use their designated color of text.
- Submission--When the entire paper is completed, one person should export it as a PDF or Word Document and upload it to Turnitin.
- Individual Reflection--at the end of the project, each person should send me a personal email to my google account reflecting on how the project went, what you like and dislike about writing a collaborative paper, any problems your group encountered, and any concerns you have/had with your group. Any information you give me will be kept between you and me but I will use it when assessing individual contributions to the project AND for future planning of this project.
- Grading--I’ll give a group grade for the quality of the essay. I’ll also give individual points for other aspects of the project (one-pager, quality of individual responsibilities). In this way, you are to work together to create a solid analysis but if some individuals do not contribute the same levels of quality, they can be rewarded or penalized appropriately.