Monday, February 6, 2012

Modern Drama Project

Modern Drama Project
Choose one of three plays to read:  A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, or The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams.  You will be grouped with others who choose to read the same play so you can discuss that play, help each other understand it, split up duties for biographical and critical research, and present your analysis and research findings to the class.

  • Critically read and analyze drama more independently
  • Consider the ways a modern play fits or even changes the definition of tragedy that Aristotle laid out
  • Clearly present analysis, biographical and historical context, and criticism of the play to the class so they are exposed to a play they did not read.
  1. Choose the play you’d like to read.  Turn in your choice to me.
  2. Read the play critically, taking notes and writing a one(to two)-pager as soon as you finish that addresses what you think the theme is, the details that you noticed as support for that, and your initial thoughts on whether or not it is a tragedy.  I will collect these for a grade early this week!
  3. Use some class time to discuss the play with your group members, using the questions in the textbook to get you started.  Assign one group member to take good notes of this discussion to be emailed or shared with me via Google Docs.  Use this discussion to clarify your interpretation of the play, the important details that support that theme, and your ideas on how this play is or is not a tragedy.  Keep in mind the important aspects that a tragedy must include at minimum:  1.  Tragic hero is portrayed as better than man and falls due to a tragic flaw (not a vice) which evokes pity and fear in the audience AND 2.  Includes important plot pieces:  reversal, recognition, and scene of suffering.
  4. As a group, complete research of the biographical and historical context of the play and several (at least 3) pieces of criticism.  Turn in a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of each critical source AND a reflection (1-2 paragraphs) of the reader’s thoughts on that criticism in context of his/her own reading of the play and the group’s interpretation.
  5. Complete a works cited page that includes all sources (minimum of 4--at least one bio/historical and three critical).
  6. Plan a 20-25 minute presentation for the class that briefly summarizes the play for those who have not read it but focuses on analysis of the theme and whether it is a tragedy or not.  You should include bio/historical/critical information in the presentation, but the majority of the presentation should be the group’s interpretation of the play and the details that support that.
Monday:  Intro and choose play
Tuesday:  Organize groups; time to read play
Wednesday:  Turn in one(or two)-pagers at beginning of class; discussion time
Thursday:  Discussion/planning time--email or share discussion notes by end of the day
Friday:  Planning time
Monday & Tuesday:  Presentations

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