Resources to help you? Your textbook. Chapter 46 walks you through what a critical case study looks like.
Objectives of the Assignment:
- Write a well-argued, well-reasoned, well-developed literary analysis of an independent reading book
- Effectively and correctly incorporate literary criticism to add ethos and some logos to that interpretation
- Continue to use critical lenses to deepen analysis
- Correctly use MLA citation (parenthetical and works cited) to give credit to sources
- Use the process to end up with a polished, college-level paper
I want a response to your book (one-pager style) that shows me YOUR interpretation ONLY before reading criticism AND an outline of the paper you intend to write to argue that interpretation.
Proposal due Wednesday, Feb. 29 by midnight
D1 due Thursday, Mar. 9 by midnight
Peer reviews due Tuesday, Mar. 13 by midnight
D2 due Tuesday, Mar. 27 by midnight
FD/CR due Tuesday, Apr. 10 by midnight