Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Extra Credit--Mark your calendars

Simpson is doing The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare.  Here's what the flyer says:

"One of Shakespeare's strangest plays, yet one that is deeply, realistically human. This exploration of unconscionable emotional savagery and astonishing forgiveness remains the Bard's most bewitching exploration of mature love."

Performances are in Pote Theater, Blank Performing Arts Center
April 12-13 at 7:30 p.m.
April 14 at 1 p.m.

Contact the Theatre Simpson box office to reserve tickets.  Box office opens April 2.

Bring your ticket to me the following week for extra credit points.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Critical Case Study

What is a critical case study?  Basically, it's a lit analysis with research.  YOU have an interpretation of a book that you are arguing BUT you use critics to make your argument more convincing.  The important thing to keep in mind is the same with any real research paper:  This is NOT a recap/regurgitation of what the critics think.  It is your OWN argument with professional experts to help you make your case--add ethos!

Resources to help you?  Your textbook.  Chapter 46 walks you through what a critical case study looks like.

Objectives of the Assignment:
  • Write a well-argued, well-reasoned, well-developed literary analysis of an independent reading book
  • Effectively and correctly incorporate literary criticism to add ethos and some logos to that interpretation
  • Continue to use critical lenses to deepen analysis
  • Correctly use MLA citation (parenthetical and works cited) to give credit to sources
  • Use the process to end up with a polished, college-level paper

I want a response to your book (one-pager style) that shows me YOUR interpretation ONLY before reading criticism AND an outline of the paper you intend to write to argue that interpretation.

Proposal and one-pager due NO LATER THAN Wednesday, Mar. 27 by midnight
D1 due Friday, Mar. 29 by midnight
Peer reviews due Tuesday, Apr. 2 by midnight
D2 due Tuesday, Apr. 16 by midnight
FD due Friday, Apr. 26 by midnight